Senseair® LP8 is a miniature sensor module which targets battery-powered applications. It gives customer a full control on sensor integration into a host system, flexibility in changing of the CO2 measurement period and consequently power consumption. One measurement requires only 3.6mC of charge (or energy 11.9mJ at 3.3V battery supply). The sensor is supposed to be switched off between measurements to minimise power consumption.
- 3.6mC per measurement (11.9mJ @ 3.3V)
- Miniature size (Senseair® S8 format)
- A wide supply voltage range enables a variety of battery options
- Adjustable measurement period by host
- Adjustable ABC period by host

Senseair® LP8 Technical Specification
General Sensor Performance:
Required storage/operation environment .... Non-corrosive 1 and non-condensing 2
Sensor lifetime expectancy ......................... >15 years
Service interval and maintenance ............... Adjustable ABC period by host 2
Self-diagnostics .......................................... Complete function-check of the sensor module every power ON.
Operative environment required for keeping calibrated and specified accuracy in gas measurement:
Operative temperature range ...................... 0–50°C
Operative relative humidity range ................ 0–85%RH, non-condensing 2
Electrical Properties:
Power supply .............................................. 2.9–5.5V
Peak current ............................................... 125mA
Shutdown current ........................................ 1μA
Mechanical Properties:
Electrical Connections ................................ VCAP, VBB and GND
Dimensions max. ........................................ 33.4 x 19.9 x 12.4mm (Length x Width x Height)
CO2 Measurement:
Operating principle ...................................... Non-dispersive infrared (NDIR)
Measurement Range .................................. 0–2000ppm CO2
Accuracy ..................................................... ±50ppm ±3% of reading 3
Measurement period ................................... ≥16s, adjustable by host
Temperature Measurement:
Operating principle ...................................... NTC (Negative Temperature Coefficient) Resistor
Measurement range .................................... 0–50°C
Accuracy ..................................................... ±0.7°C
Measurement interval ................................. Adjustable by host